It's been awhile, right? we got some news to share. today we are happy to brought double release to our favorite manga "Ai ore!" yes! like u hear double release, and with this its the end of v03. this is a great moment to bring it specially cuz this saturday in japan will be the release of the live action by the same name, yupiiiii!. Also this release and probably the next ones will be do it without a proofreader. Our proofreader are kind of lost and having war with their pc (wow so epic hahaha).
Well saying that we always try to let new people helping us, but right now we hope that anyone interested in helping with editor or proofreader or cleaner had experienced cuz many of us are busy with school and work and is kind of hard to teach right now. Also we are looking translator specialty chinese to english cuz we want work with some chapter and some page of the manga Ze by yuki shimizu that were left behind. Of course jap/eng are always welcome too.
If there are yaoi fans, fujoshi fans, people that enjoy BL, we are planing in work with some manga like:
- after 5 wa kiss no ame
- takumi-kun series
- Ze
- boku no suki na sensei
well no more delay enjoy ai ore!... see you next time.
ao ch12
ao ch13